Every autumn, the Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN) holds the “Bildungspolitisches Forum” (Education Policy Forum) in Berlin. In 2023, the forum entitled “Extracurricular and Informal Learning Spaces for Children and Adolescents” was hosted by the IWM in cooperation with the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). The event brought together academics, practitioners, as well as policymakers and took place on September 26th at the Representation of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg and several BILAD members participated.
“Traditional learning environments such as schools are not the only places where children and young people are educated. Learning processes also occur in various other settings, such as museums, zoos, maker spaces, cultural institutions, and even everyday surroundings. These out-of-school learning spaces often use innovative formats that prioritise interaction, experiential learning, and hands-on activities,” explained Stephan Schwan, who delivered a keynote speech at the forum with the title “Experiencing, exploring, experimenting – Extracurricular and informal learning spaces of 4th generation”. The other keynote with the title “Braking barriers: The concept of learning ecology can connect scholastic and informal learning spaces” was held by Martin Storksdieck.

Further BILAD members took part in the Forums where impulses for education practice and politics arose: Peter Gerjets und Doris Lewalter participated in and conducted the Forum “Learning”, where a general introduction in informal education research and practice was given and interfaces between extracurricular and scholastic education were discussed. Another Forum “Exchanging and Participating” concentrated on spaces with focus on encounter, dialogue and learning by exchange and was guided by Lorenz Kampschulte. And Christian Kuchler participated in the Forum “Experiencing”, which focused on spaces that make history tangible like, for example, memorials, and on historical learning resulting from visitors relocating themselves in historical situations.

At the end of the day Doris Lewalter und Martin Storksdieck participated in the concluding panel discussion concerning the question which potentials extracurricular learning spaces offer and the existing challenges. A position paper, responsibly written by Stephan Schwan and supported by, beneath others, Doris Lewalter und Lorenz Kampschulte, describes possibilities for education politicians how the potential of extracurricular learning spaces can be enhanced.